
Showing posts from August, 2012

An Official Request: Pumpkin Almond Bread


French-Canadian Cheeze

Post III and final in the Cheeze Series As I walked to the Metro one day this week, I realized why I like short pants.  In a past life, I was a nineteenth-century boy who wore breeches.  Capris, cropped pants, pedal-pushers, Bermuda shorts, whatever you want to call them, I wear those and long socks.  Yep, though I haven’t yet undergone a past-life regression, I’m fairly certain I must’ve been a breeches-wearing boy in another lifetime; how else can I explain this affinity for capris?

Cheeze Cubed in a Rectangular Pan: Mac & Cheese

Post II of the Cheeze Series Something at work got us onto the topic of macaroni and cheese, and I made this version a few weeks ago to fill the freezer.  My vegan coworker made  a version this week .  My schoolmate  Avolara  forwarded me this Post Punk Kitchen version in 2011 that I printed and have been meaning to try for ages.

Cheeze Cubed

Part I of a three-part series about cheese, cheeze, cream cheeze, and cheeze curds. Greetings, Earthlings. It’s been done before: vegans rhapsodising about cheese, missing the taste, texture, ineffability of cultured dairy.  Let’s not do what other people have done before, not reinvent the wheel, as a lot of people say.

After-Work Supper

Final recipe: I attended a cooking class on Tuesday at the Whole Foods in Alexandria, and even if I hadn’t gone to the class, I would’ve had a successful WF trip.  I picked up this “Meals for Four under $15” flyer, and the Kale Pad Thai by Chrissy Bender made a perfect “this-is-my-real-work” supper after work on Friday.

Anadama Bread

So I may not have baked dessert, but I did bake anadama bread and muffins this week.  I love baking in cast-iron.


Thoughts from lunch break.  The sandwich opposed mindfulness in its first use.  The Earl of Sandwich wanted to do two things at once—eat and play cards, as the story goes.  “What Sandwich is having” facilitates speed of consumption.  Granted, combinations of food aren’t inherently unmindful, and one can eat a sandwich mindfully, focusing all five senses on the object.  Howeer, the sandwich is oft associated—as is the wrap and the Western sushi roll—with grab ‘n’ go fare, meant to be consumed while doing something else (driving, checking email, playing cards).  One’s attention is thus divided and weakened towards both tasks.  One does not appreciate the ingredients of the sandwich as individuals or in harmony when eating and doing something else.

Lightning Tofu Pudding

Quick dessert—my aunt and uncle and I tore through the Boston Crème Cake Pie that I made from Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s and Terry Hope Romero’s  Vegan Pie in the Sky , 

Meet Pants and Pomely

This is Pants