Gothic Granola Exercise Playlist

If I have to read or hear one more "great workout playlist" that involves rap, dubstep, pop, or Top 40 hits, my daily Les Mills Combat practice will stop being practice.


 Gothic Granola HIIT workout

But, but, why, Q? We like Skrillex and Rihanna and Jay-Z and Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga...

Yes, I like Lady Gaga, too. I listen to an all-Gaga playlist sometimes. But this isn't the only music in the world, kiddos.

Ultimately, these playlists come down to personal preference and BPM (beats per minute). Just like style of dress boils down to personal preference and situational appropriateness.

That being said, here's a playlist for alterna-folk who like to exercise and listen to music. I don't mean just dancing at the club. I mean lifting weights, running, HIIT, MMA, CrossFit, swimming laps, playing croquet...

I looked up music specifically for a one-hour HIIT workout with alternating 120-140 BPM tracks to keep up your heart rate. The first and last songs form a warmup and cool down, respectively.

Here is the track listing (click to enlarge). The playlist itself is embedded below and can be found here on YouTube and here on Spotify.

[embeddoc url="" height="400px"]


I take ZERO responsibility for the images in the music videos (most of which are fan-made).



The spooky kids say, "What?! What is this exercise you speak of? Is this something you do when the Daystar fills the sky and burns our skin?"

No, I generally exercise before the sun is up. What's holding you back from getting some movement in your day, at any time?

Gothic Granola HIIT playlist


There's a whole world to explore out there!


  1. Nice to find omeone with similar views

  2. […] last year’s Gothic Granola Exercise Playlist, I think it’s time for a new one, with some pop (what?!) […]

  3. […] been making the same carb-a-licious muffins lately, so how about something different? Another exercise playlist, perhaps? […]


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