
Showing posts from October, 2012

Another Curry and Breaking "Da Rulez"

This one’s a seasonal curry this time .   I think I’ve made something from almost every one of Chef Michael Kiss’s cooking classes I’ve attended at the Old Town Whole Foods.   I like his food philosophy: “An onion is an onion.”   Using what’s available to you will create a unique dish with your personal touch.   Since I’m just about incapable of following a recipe to a tee (I have opinions about what I put in my mouth.   Strong opinions.)—or a tea—I like that advice.

A Tale of Two Aunts (PB Choco Madness)

Happy Birthday to my fashion-forward Aunt B! I did not make these cookies for her, though.  I made them for my Aunt A’s birthday last year.  Since both of them like chocolate, these cookies would be appropriate for either.

S’mores and Mudd

Let me tell you a public secret.

Embassy Treats

Rule number one of being vegan and gluten-free: always bring your own snacks.

Cookies for Thought

The cookie recipe I present to you today included in its description the instruction to “[e]njoy with a glass of cold soymilk and dunk away without guilt [emphasis mine].”

A More Refined Version: Bread Pudding

Playlist: Evanescence— The Open Door , Fallen (must be something about this time of year ), Rammstein— Rosenrot , Marilyn Manson— Eat Me, Drink Me , Rob Zombie— The Sinister Urge , Clan of Xymox— The Best of Clan of Xymox To complement this musical mélange, I bring you a dessert, the base for which is a  mélange of breads.  I apparently took it upon myself to owe you all earlier this year .  I made something similar in April .

A Cake that’s Grape, er, Great!

While watching the Navy-Penn State football game (go Navy!) a few weeks ago, I converted this recipe.   As I was telling my cousin who is currently in his high school's marching band, I watched enough football for a lifetime when I was in colour guard in high school.  


Sometimes, you just have to bring your own in order to make sure you’re fed.   As Hillel the Elder said, “If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” ( Pirkei Avot 1:14 )