
Showing posts from November, 2013

Fluffy Bunny, Curse Reversed | Graham Crackers

Fluffy Bunny, Curse Reversed "For what has been, thanks! For what shall be--yes!"  --Dag Hammerskjold What doors are you going to keep open, once opened? Premise: I don't like marshmallows.

If at First You Don't Succeed, Change Your Variables!

This year, I am grateful for learning the following lesson, and all the people, places, events, and things that taught me it. If I don't enjoy certain things with certain people under certain circumstances, I oughtn't write it off. Being open to try it again under different circumstances with different people can reverse the curse.  Thanksgiving is one of those things.

Querelous Quinoa Qualms | Front Porch Toast Bread

Querelous Quinoa Qualms | Front Porch Toast Bread Read this: I'm gonna judge, and I'm probably not in a position to judge as I neither have nor want offspring. I reference my personal experience to make a point. This is not an ad hominem attack on the parent in question in the article. Rather, I am questioning her methods. Enough nicey-nicey. This is decadent. Wanting to expand your child's tastes & preferences towards healthier fare isn't bad in and of itself. Steering your child to eat your same "global," fancy-pants fare as you...why? There are distinctions between indulgence and control, and [the child's] agency in the realm of child-rearing, as I understand it. Of course a parent, if s/he has had the advantages in life to have pursued some kind of nutrition education, probably wants to feed his/her children ...

Vodka Muffins | Mercurial Musings

Part I of Cooking with Hard Liquor Vegan pica. That's all that justifies this recipe. I wanted to make

Real Bread?

Ask a gluten-free person what they miss most and it's most likely bread and beer. When I brought this bread to my gluten-free friend, with shaking hands I presented it--"It''s bread. "

Tabled Soup

Clearing the table in one fell swoop often makes a mess.

News Roundup

<meta>I go through this  swing  every Thursday and sometimes on Saturday: OMFG, so tired. I'm just going to go home and sleep and fuck the blog post. No one'll notice. Ahhh, now I have an idea. Oh shit, I didn't cook anything this week. Well, I'll be up late anyway. Ooh, now I'm looking forward to my fireside chat/captive audience. Man, lemme loose at the keyboard! I have ideas and pictures to share!</meta>

Chocolate Chocolate Lazy Cookies

Trans fats are unsafe, says FDA. Enough said. Enjoy vegan & gluten-free baked goods free of trans-fats!

Dear $(6,4)@#: #foodallergyproblems and Truthful Cake

$(6,4)@# answers a question on his nineteenth birthday. W hat's the #1 thing you think everyone needs to know before dating a VGF person? --RS