News Round-up and Split Pea Hommos
News from the Intertubes regarding health and wellness: Sleeplessness, the same problem that plagues teenagers, also plagues adults! To continue the analogy, school: adolescents :: work : adults. So, as with suggestions to push back school start times, some experts suggest pushing back work start times and/or operating on a flexible schedule. How revolutionary! As I've been discussing using lower-GI sweeteners in treats as a suggestion, new studies show that lower GI diets aren't all they're cracked up to be . Still wouldn't hurt to avoid massive amounts of refined, high-GI foods, though. There's now h ard data showing how sitting all day is killing office workers (increasing mortality) . What more does one need to light a fire under one's ass and stand periodically at work (and encourage the executive team to buy some standing desks and have walking meetings)?