Vegan "Mayo" and Coleslaw

When my parents gave me a Vitamix blender for a graduation present, my mom and I soon realised, as I was reading the accompanying cookbook aloud one afternoon, that there was a Vitamix "lifestyle." Much like California cuisine, which highlights fresh ingredients and often merges cultural cooking styles, the Vitamix cookbook emphasized using the freshest ingredients possible and provided options for healthy, vegan, raw, and haute cuisine dishes. Several creamy sauces, including a creamy tomato and alfredo sauces, incorporate tofu instead of heavy cream. While the cookbook includes a homemade mayonnaise recipe (eggs and oil at 2 horsepower blending--woo hoo!), there was not a vegan mayonnaise option, to my surprise. I forgot to buy "nayo" at Sprouts on Saturday when I was buying provisions for our Saturday night barbecue.

 Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola

At least once a month, TC's father hosts a themed dinner party. TC and I do most of the cooking, and we invite our neighbours. Yesterday we had a barbecue in the unseasonably warm weather. I made coleslaw, marinated tofu in Sky Valley Korean BBQ sauce, baked two kinds of cornbread muffins, and made German Satan Cake with the coconut pecan frosting from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

To solve my nayo issue, I Vitamixed a tetra-pak of silken tofu I had been saving for cheezecake to make vegan tofu-based mayo.

Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola


This "mayo" is actually more coleslaw dressing than straight vegan mayonnaise. Use fancy mustard for exotic flavor/less yellow color, and don't use coconut sugar or else the slaw will turn brown. Two bags of standard coleslaw mix made plenty of slaw for five people.

Vegan Coleslaw Dressing/Mayo

Inspired by Veggieful

  • 1 box (12.3 ounces) silken tofu (firm or soft makes no difference)

  • 3 tablespoons vinegar (I used 2 T white vinegar and 1 T cider vinegar)

  • 3 tablespoons organic sugar

  • 4 teaspoons mustard

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (or add more cider vinegar)

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Blitz the crap out of all the ingredients in a high-speed blender until fully combined. Either chill in an airtight container to use as mayo or stir into two bags' worth of coleslaw mix for slaw.

Parting Shots:

Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola

Tried a new cereal from Sprouts. I've had Freedom Foods' cornflakes and fruity O's before, which were tasty but unsubstantial. These crunchy bits are seriously crunchy and do not taste like chickpeas. I'm hooked, for $2.99 (on sale plus coupon) a box.

Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola 

Satan Cake got cooled on the Eastern Star iron trivet. I didn't have any shredded coconut so the frosting was just caramel-pecan.


Vegan Mayo | Gothic Granola

Sourdough cornbread muffins (left) and regular cornbread muffins (right). Next post needs to be an update of these recipes for high-altitude plus sourdough variation.


  1. Consider coleslaw this week for #salads! #vegan #glutenfree

  2. I have coleslaw i my refrigerator!


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