Maple Oatmeal Cookies
There are some cookies that just get down on their knees and beg to be rewritten. Not such a tough cookie now, are you?!
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MINE, says Poppet bun.[/caption]
In an effort to shill their overpriced* maple syrup, Whole Foods included a mere $1 coupon in their latest Whole Deal booklet for the fall, and the marketers also shared a recipe for maple oatmeal cookies. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup maple syrup, which is a LOT of maple syrup (that's $2.37 worth of maple syrup--4 fluid ounces--in this recipe). While TC wanted these cookies, he was also horrified that I'd use that much maple syrup in one go. Nota bene that I already had some on-sale maple syrup from Safeway to make these cookies, and actually none of the ingredients I used were purchased in the--not one, but two--trips to the WFM in Frisco last weekend. Neither of the trips were intentional, as I avoid as hard as I can the world's leading organic grocer (former employee, after all; buy me a kombucha and I will tell you stories).
No, I'm not done hating on WFM! The recipe, as written, would've produced crispy little granola cookies. If I want granola, I'll make granola. Also, it had no leavening. I've been baking cookies by myself for a while (OK, about ten years; Ownie Mom finally told me how to make Miceli Brownies in the latter part of my high school career). Vegan cookies made without leavening...are probably a bad idea, unless it's shortbread. Let's not uphold that stereotype that vegan cookery is all dense and wet, shall we?
[yumprint-recipe id='31']
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The cookie inspection crew is here.[/caption]
16 Volt's new album is out [already for Indiegogo supporters including yours truly] next week! Check out The Negative Space for an alternating combination of chill-out and rage tunes. Can't wait to dive into those lyrics!
This song is made for taking to the club: the music video for Third Realm's "Dance Like You Wanna Die" from the album Psychosis is on YouTube, and you should watch it. Dancing alternative humans and sort-of subliminal messages, people--the stuff re-watchable music videos are made of.
(Alas, there shall be no dancing like we wanna die outside of the gym, as there are no remotely electro-friendly venues in Winter Park!)
*$18.99 USD for 32 fl oz. at WFM versus $12.99 for 32 fl oz. at Costco
[caption id="attachment_5007" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
In an effort to shill their overpriced* maple syrup, Whole Foods included a mere $1 coupon in their latest Whole Deal booklet for the fall, and the marketers also shared a recipe for maple oatmeal cookies. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup maple syrup, which is a LOT of maple syrup (that's $2.37 worth of maple syrup--4 fluid ounces--in this recipe). While TC wanted these cookies, he was also horrified that I'd use that much maple syrup in one go. Nota bene that I already had some on-sale maple syrup from Safeway to make these cookies, and actually none of the ingredients I used were purchased in the--not one, but two--trips to the WFM in Frisco last weekend. Neither of the trips were intentional, as I avoid as hard as I can the world's leading organic grocer (former employee, after all; buy me a kombucha and I will tell you stories).
No, I'm not done hating on WFM! The recipe, as written, would've produced crispy little granola cookies. If I want granola, I'll make granola. Also, it had no leavening. I've been baking cookies by myself for a while (OK, about ten years; Ownie Mom finally told me how to make Miceli Brownies in the latter part of my high school career). Vegan cookies made without leavening...are probably a bad idea, unless it's shortbread. Let's not uphold that stereotype that vegan cookery is all dense and wet, shall we?
[yumprint-recipe id='31']
[caption id="attachment_5008" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Music stuff you should support this week:
16 Volt's new album is out [already for Indiegogo supporters including yours truly] next week! Check out The Negative Space for an alternating combination of chill-out and rage tunes. Can't wait to dive into those lyrics!
This song is made for taking to the club: the music video for Third Realm's "Dance Like You Wanna Die" from the album Psychosis is on YouTube, and you should watch it. Dancing alternative humans and sort-of subliminal messages, people--the stuff re-watchable music videos are made of.
(Alas, there shall be no dancing like we wanna die outside of the gym, as there are no remotely electro-friendly venues in Winter Park!)
*$18.99 USD for 32 fl oz. at WFM versus $12.99 for 32 fl oz. at Costco
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